Friday 17 November 2006

True Colours

I can definitely see you & your true colours.I thought,I am the ugliest but no!!!You're probably uglier than me.I'm beautiful......very beautiful......I'm beautiful inside.I may not look pretty but my heart is pure.Its full of love,care,concern.But you're just a paradigm of deceit.I thought I found shelter in the shade of your jocund company but I was so wrong!I called you my friend but now ,now I prejudice you,I despise you!You're ugly,uglier than never loved anybody.Your ego was your biggest entity and it filled your heart with jealousy.They were right !You are ugly.............very ugly.........ugly inside.You have treachery,hatred,disregard,jealousy embedded in the floor of your heart.Your virtues have been your superficial identity but your vices have now overpowered them..........

1 comment:

blogger by nyt :) said...

lovely poem. gave me gooseflesh